LORD, thank you for men like Paul Washer, John Piper and Billy Graham!
May you use them and their ministries to bring to life cold, dead, unregenerate, God hating hearts and make them Your own.
May, for the sake of Your great Name, You show people from all nations that You and You alone are the great One; the One who created us for Your glory.
May we take great delight in radiating Your greatness to the hearts of those who do not know you, boldly proclaiming Your saving power and Your great love for those who belong to You.
May Your Name be known so that hearts may cry out to You in complete submission honoring You for the great work that You have done on behalf of those who You have given faith to believe.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Paul Washer-John Piper-Billy Graham
Posted by
mi familia
10:38 AM
Labels: Evangelism, Missions
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Andy Reid
Andy Reid, head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles, and his wife are going through a parent’s nightmare. Both of their sons are addicted to drugs. Coach Reid spent six weeks at a rehab program with his oldest son in Florida and apparently received quite an education about drugs. Sadly, the core issue, like in most rehab programs was missed.
Associated Press writer Bob Lentz wrote, “Reid said he learned that , because of the chemical makeup of the brain, certain people are more susceptible to drug use and addiction than other. While there may be truth to this statement, it misses the fact that “through the disobedience of one man, many were made sinners”.
Coach Reid should have been taught about the condition of all men’s hearts; the radical depravity and utter lifelessness and lostness of our condition. He should have been taught that the reason his son is an addict is not because his son has a chemical imbalance but that his son is dead and unable to do good. Reid was quoted as stating “It’s and epidemic that has attacked America.” He needs to be told that
it IS an epidemic, just not the type of epidemic he has been told that it is. He needs to be told that it is an epidemic that affects us at our very core; it is an epidemic that kills everyone that it touches and that there are NONE beyond its reach.
Reid states, “I was sitting there, in counseling, with good people. They are not bad people, it encompasses everybody.” Coach Reid has it wrong. He was not sitting with good people. He was sitting with people whose throats were open graves and the way of peace they do not know.
Mrs. Reid said, “We raised these boys. We taught them to pray, taught them to ride their bike – you see this potential in him, and you’re just not going to give up.”
Lord God, our Father and Creator, I ask you to reveal to the Reid family your sufficiency and their insufficiency. May they see the true condition of their souls. May they see that it You and You alone who has “the potential”. May they see that it is You and You alone who can save this young man from the dreadful condition that he was born in. May you open the eyes of his parents so they can see and publicly proclaim Your greatness. And may coaches like Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy reach out to Coach Reid and his family.
Associated Press writer Bob Lentz wrote, “Reid said he learned that , because of the chemical makeup of the brain, certain people are more susceptible to drug use and addiction than other. While there may be truth to this statement, it misses the fact that “through the disobedience of one man, many were made sinners”.
Coach Reid should have been taught about the condition of all men’s hearts; the radical depravity and utter lifelessness and lostness of our condition. He should have been taught that the reason his son is an addict is not because his son has a chemical imbalance but that his son is dead and unable to do good. Reid was quoted as stating “It’s and epidemic that has attacked America.” He needs to be told that

Reid states, “I was sitting there, in counseling, with good people. They are not bad people, it encompasses everybody.” Coach Reid has it wrong. He was not sitting with good people. He was sitting with people whose throats were open graves and the way of peace they do not know.
Mrs. Reid said, “We raised these boys. We taught them to pray, taught them to ride their bike – you see this potential in him, and you’re just not going to give up.”
Lord God, our Father and Creator, I ask you to reveal to the Reid family your sufficiency and their insufficiency. May they see the true condition of their souls. May they see that it You and You alone who has “the potential”. May they see that it is You and You alone who can save this young man from the dreadful condition that he was born in. May you open the eyes of his parents so they can see and publicly proclaim Your greatness. And may coaches like Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy reach out to Coach Reid and his family.
Posted by
mi familia
11:25 AM
Labels: Sports
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Romans 1:16
"You can call yourself a fundamentalist and be as liberal as a German higher critic.
I want to tell you something. I listen to a lot of fundamentalist preaching, a lot of conservative preaching, a lot of reformed preaching, and a lot of just flat out Baptist evangelical preaching of men who would fight you to the core about how they believe the Bible and how they slap it around and say this is the Word of God. But when you listen to them preach the Gospel and give an invitation, you realize they are just as liberal as a man who studies higher criticism in Germany.
We have taken the powerfull all mighty Gospel of God, and reduced it down to nothing more than repeating a superstitious prayer. And that’s not Biblical. It’s not."
-Paul Washer
I want to tell you something. I listen to a lot of fundamentalist preaching, a lot of conservative preaching, a lot of reformed preaching, and a lot of just flat out Baptist evangelical preaching of men who would fight you to the core about how they believe the Bible and how they slap it around and say this is the Word of God. But when you listen to them preach the Gospel and give an invitation, you realize they are just as liberal as a man who studies higher criticism in Germany.
We have taken the powerfull all mighty Gospel of God, and reduced it down to nothing more than repeating a superstitious prayer. And that’s not Biblical. It’s not."
-Paul Washer
Listen to the sermon HERE
Posted by
mi familia
9:21 AM
Labels: Evangelism, Missions
Monday, December 17, 2007
Masquerading Wolves
John Hagee
Hagee claims that Christ IS NOT the MessiahWatch HERE
Posted by
mi familia
3:49 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
AL Meredith
"Here is the message," Meredith said during an interview in his sparse office. "God is in control and He loves us. That is the rock-bottom truth."
Posted by
mi familia
4:33 PM
Jolly Blogger
I was cruising the world of blogdom and happened upon the following post from David Wayne...
Ed Stetzer on the Reformed Tradition and Missionary/Missional Focus
I'm reading Ed Stetzer's Book "Planting Missional Churches" and he has a few thoughts on the reformed church and missional thinking on pp. 28-29:
This loss of missionary focus was evident in both Protestant belief systems and practice. Although the Reformation restored much fo primitive Christianity, it also lost much - particularly in areas of mission. The consequences of this loss of missional focus continue today. There has been substantial debate regarding the nature of the Reformation church: Was it a missionary church? Did it value missions? These are valid questions with regard to whether the Reformation church engaged in the task of missions. They are, unfortunately, the wrong questions. The Reformers were trapped within geographic Christendom while their Catholic counterparts were engaged in colonial expansion. Protestant "mission" became missions to Catholics. While Protestants focused on Catholics, Catholic missions flourished. So instead of asking, "Was the Reformation church a mission movement?" It's better to recognize that it was weak in its mission focus, and ask, "Why?" Pre-Reformation confessions referred to the church as "one holy apostolic church." Words like these aren't frequently found in the confessions of the Reformation. Instead the Reformation confessions reacted to the errors of "apostolic succession" (the idea that the popes and bishops held their power because of being appointed by subsequent bishops/popes back to Peter). By deemphasizing the "apostolic" nature of the church, the Reformers were trying to say that the church did not derive its legitimacy from succession of leaders. However, apostolic is more than a "position"; its a "posture." Although the word is often misunderstood, the root of the word apostle is "one sent . . . with a message." So we should be an apostolic church. When the Reformers (and later evangelicals) started to deemphasize the apostolic nature of the church, they inadvertently lessened the sending nature of that apostolic church. The church that "reofrmed" lost touch with the God who sends, and the mission of the church suffered. "Lost in this deletion was an emphasis on the church's 'being authoritatively sent' by God into the world to participate fully in God's mission." This loss of missional focus also led to a loss of missional thinking. Evangelicals continue to struggle with presenting the unchanging gospel in an ever-changing cultural setting. Churches must parallel, in some ways, their host cultures. This process is called "indigenization."
For the sake of reformed folks who think Ed is bashing the reformed tradition I want to mention that theologically he is very much in line with the reformed traditon and has worked closely with the PCA and other reformed denominations. So, he's not bashing, he's just assessing strengths and weaknesses from a historical perspective.
I'm reading Ed Stetzer's Book "Planting Missional Churches" and he has a few thoughts on the reformed church and missional thinking on pp. 28-29:
This loss of missionary focus was evident in both Protestant belief systems and practice. Although the Reformation restored much fo primitive Christianity, it also lost much - particularly in areas of mission. The consequences of this loss of missional focus continue today. There has been substantial debate regarding the nature of the Reformation church: Was it a missionary church? Did it value missions? These are valid questions with regard to whether the Reformation church engaged in the task of missions. They are, unfortunately, the wrong questions. The Reformers were trapped within geographic Christendom while their Catholic counterparts were engaged in colonial expansion. Protestant "mission" became missions to Catholics. While Protestants focused on Catholics, Catholic missions flourished. So instead of asking, "Was the Reformation church a mission movement?" It's better to recognize that it was weak in its mission focus, and ask, "Why?" Pre-Reformation confessions referred to the church as "one holy apostolic church." Words like these aren't frequently found in the confessions of the Reformation. Instead the Reformation confessions reacted to the errors of "apostolic succession" (the idea that the popes and bishops held their power because of being appointed by subsequent bishops/popes back to Peter). By deemphasizing the "apostolic" nature of the church, the Reformers were trying to say that the church did not derive its legitimacy from succession of leaders. However, apostolic is more than a "position"; its a "posture." Although the word is often misunderstood, the root of the word apostle is "one sent . . . with a message." So we should be an apostolic church. When the Reformers (and later evangelicals) started to deemphasize the apostolic nature of the church, they inadvertently lessened the sending nature of that apostolic church. The church that "reofrmed" lost touch with the God who sends, and the mission of the church suffered. "Lost in this deletion was an emphasis on the church's 'being authoritatively sent' by God into the world to participate fully in God's mission." This loss of missional focus also led to a loss of missional thinking. Evangelicals continue to struggle with presenting the unchanging gospel in an ever-changing cultural setting. Churches must parallel, in some ways, their host cultures. This process is called "indigenization."
For the sake of reformed folks who think Ed is bashing the reformed tradition I want to mention that theologically he is very much in line with the reformed traditon and has worked closely with the PCA and other reformed denominations. So, he's not bashing, he's just assessing strengths and weaknesses from a historical perspective.
Posted by
mi familia
3:42 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Psalm 139:13
When Tim Tebow was in utero, his missionary mother was told that she should abort him
Posted by Howard Richman on October 07 2007 at 15:27:54:
Posted by Howard Richman on October 07 2007 at 15:27:54:

In the midst of a stadium packed with screaming fans, Pam Tebow watches her youngest child - the solid Florida quarterback she affectionately calls ´Timmy´- dominate the football field and she knows that she did something right....
Just before her pregnancy, Pam fell into a coma after contracting amoebic dysentery, a bacteria transmitted through contaminated drinking water. During her recovery, she received a series of strong medications. And even though she discontinued the regimen when she discovered the pregnancy, doctors told Pam the fetus had been damaged.
Doctors later told Pam that her placenta had detached from the uterine wall, a condition known as placental abruption, which can deprive the fetus of oxygen and nutrients. Doctors expected a stillbirth, Pam said, and they encouraged her to terminate the pregnancy.
"They thought I should have an abortion to save my life from the beginning all the way through the seventh month," she recalled.
Pam said her decision to sustain the pregnancy was a simple one - because of her faith.
"We were grieved," she said. "And so my husband just prayed that if the Lord would give us a son, that he would let us raise him."
In her seventh month of pregnancy, Pam traveled to the country´s capital, Manila, where she received around-the-clock care from an American-trained physician.
For the next two months, Pam - steadfastly praying for a healthy child - remained on bed rest.
And on her due date - Aug. 14, 1987 - Pam gave birth to Timothy Richard Tebow, who she described as "skinny, but rather long." "We were concerned at first because he was so malnourished, but he definitely made up for it," she said, between laughs. Today Tim, now 20, stands at a solid 6´3" and 235 pounds....
She also points to home-schooling for shaping her children´s lives. "It´s not all about academics," she explained. "It´s about teaching them everything they need to know to be successful in life, and the schools aren´t going to teach those things."... Howard
Click here to read the article
Posted by
mi familia
9:07 AM
Heisman Winner is an MK!
Saturday night, missionary kid Tim Tebow, fantastic quarterback for the University of Florida football team, won college football's highest individual award -- the Heisman Trophy. He is the first sophomore to ever do so. In the voting, his margin of victory was substantial, even though the nationwide competition was stiff.
Tim was born in the Philippines of missionary parents. He went to high school in Jacksonville, Florida.
In his acceptance speech last night in New York, Orlando Sentinel sports writer Dave Curtis recorded that Tibow's remarks "were delayed 15 seconds as Tibow collected his emotionAlthough it has been years since I have talked to his dad, I know him well enough to know that if Tim ever steps out of line spiritually his dad will be all over him, even if he's receiving the Heisman Trophy at the time. s," then "rambled a bit, thanking everyone from UF Athletic Director Jeremy Foley to Jesus Christ."
After the ceremony, writer Curtis further records, "(Tibow) surrounded by the most important people in his life, praising his God and his teammates, he had lived a dream come true."
Before the ceremony, Tibow remarked that even if he won, he "would still be just little Timmy Tibow from Jacksonville."
Last night, little Timmy Tibow glorified Christ before a large national audience. Bless him greatly, Lord.
Tim was born in the Philippines of missionary parents. He went to high school in Jacksonville, Florida.
In his acceptance speech last night in New York, Orlando Sentinel sports writer Dave Curtis recorded that Tibow's remarks "were delayed 15 seconds as Tibow collected his emotionAlthough it has been years since I have talked to his dad, I know him well enough to know that if Tim ever steps out of line spiritually his dad will be all over him, even if he's receiving the Heisman Trophy at the time. s," then "rambled a bit, thanking everyone from UF Athletic Director Jeremy Foley to Jesus Christ."
After the ceremony, writer Curtis further records, "(Tibow) surrounded by the most important people in his life, praising his God and his teammates, he had lived a dream come true."
Before the ceremony, Tibow remarked that even if he won, he "would still be just little Timmy Tibow from Jacksonville."
Last night, little Timmy Tibow glorified Christ before a large national audience. Bless him greatly, Lord.
Read what the JOLLY BLOGGER (the prophet) had to say about Tebow in 2005! . . . "Although it has been years since I have talked to his dad, I know him well enough to know that if Tim ever steps out of line spiritually his dad will be all over him, even if he's receiving the Heisman Trophy at the time. "
You can go to his dad's site Bob Teboy Evangelistic Association Here
Posted by
mi familia
8:51 AM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
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